corePurpose for Schools

Why corePurpose?

corePurpose will help keep students engaged, teach them to cultivate a growth mindset, improve mental wellness, show them meaning in their education, give them hope for their future, increase agency, and empower them to overcome challenges.

Rob, Charter School CEO

“I see the difference in kids who take this course. Not only in how they change in personal behavior but how they treat other people. They are more focused, compassionate and understanding of others.”

Joy, High School Student

“I see my education here so much more differently than before. I now realize that although some of my classes may not seem important to me today, they will be important to me in 5 years. So this time in school is really important and I am thankful for my classes now.”

More testimonials from educators:

“When the kids returned from the Covid absence, they had a tough time adjusting to school again. corePurpose made a big difference because it focuses on the future and your Purpose and how to get there. This was hugely motivating for the students.”

— Tami, Charter School Teacher

“I saw the light bulb go off in their eyes when they realized what happens to their brain when they discover Purpose! It transforms them.”

— Jo, Charter School Teacher

“The Neuroscience added huge value to understanding behaviors, patterns, and lifestyle, and how to change for the better. So good!”

— Adam, Charter School Teacher

“Every school need this.  It is different from character development; it is so much more.  It is about the Neuroscience of discovering and successfully living out your Purpose.”

— Margie, Charter School Teacher

More testimonials from students:

“I didn’t think that corePurpose would impact me as much as it did.  I was very surprised how much it changed my thinking.”

— Jelissa, High School Student

“I used to suffer from anxiety and after the course, I learned what happens to my brain and how to make small changes. I no longer am anxious.”

— Brad, High School Student

“I have so much more compassion for my parents after taking corePurpose, because I see them differently now, especially after learning about Generational Trauma and poverty.”

— Mady, High School Student

“I am so much more positive now than before corePurpose. My mom even noticed it and told me that I had changed!”

— Bree, High School Student

“I decided to apply a technique that I learned in corePurpose, and all of my grades really improved.”

— David, High School Student

“I loved learning about how the brain works and what happens to it when we say or do different things. Now I know how to protect my brain so I can live my Purpose.”

— Wynd, High School Student